Practical details
There is no registration fees for the workshop, but registration is compulsory. Registration includes lunches and coffee breaks for the five days. Travel, accomodation, breakfasts and dinners remain to your charge.
The ENS de Lyon is situated in the Gerland area of the 7th district of Lyon, near the Pont Pasteur bridge on the left bank of the Rhône.
- The René Descartes site is located 15 parvis René Descartes, at the intersection of Avenue Jean Jaurès and Avenue Debourg
- The Jacques Monod site is located 46 Allée d'Italie, between the Place des Pavillons and the Halle Tony Garnier exhibition centre Access
The workshop will be held in 1 place de l'école, at the ENS de Lyon (Site Monod).
How to come ?

How to get to the ÉNS Lyon, site Monod, 1 place de l’école?
• From the Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport: take the Rhône Express from the airport to the Part-Dieu
train station.
• From the Lyon Part-Dieu train station: take the Vivier Merle exit of the train station, then take
the subway, line B in the direction of Gare d’Oullins. Get down at the Debourg stop (see below in
• From the Lyon Perrache train station, by bus: go to the bus station and take the bus line C22.
Get down at the ÉNS Lyon stop (see below in red).
• From the Lyon Perrache train station, by tramway: take the tramway line T1 at the station
Perrache or at the outdoor tramway station Suchet. Get down at the ÉNS Lyon stop (see below in
• From anywhere by Vélov’ bike: you can use the city bikes system, called Vélov’. See the website
of Vélov’ for details (how to rent a bike, prices and delay, stations with available bikes. . . ).